Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting the linens right...

Source: Style me pretty
We are getting a little disappointed with the limits on our choices with colours. It is - firstly very difficult to find a couple who dares to defy all odds in our Asian tradition to use a bold darker colour in their theme and when we found that couple, we cannot find the table linens. Well, to be exact, we can, but at an exorbitant cost! 

We just wish someone will bring in lovely non-traditional linens for a planner's use... Nice plain linens, not satin, not patterned (or at least tastefully patterned) and not glitzy. Just elegant, classic and clean. 

Here are some choices we picked out and wished someone has them here at a reasonable price!

The Wedding Stylist Team

Photos shared from Junebugs Weddings unless stated otherwise.